trade show,trade fairs 和consumer show 的区别

2024-04-30 01:27

1. trade show,trade fairs 和consumer show 的区别

trade show 和 trade fair 是一样的, 是给做国际贸易的人参与的
consumer show 则是给一般消费者去看的。

trade show,trade fairs 和consumer show 的区别

2. 收到apple market research的邮件,内容是请告诉我们你购买的ip one,然后弹

那是让你输入你的apple ID的密码

3. Who carry you market and so?

Who carry you market and so?
也可以读作:Who takes you to the market?
英 [ˈkæri]   美 [ˈkæri]  
vt.& vi.
第三人称单数: carries 现在分词: carrying 过去式: carried 过去分词: carried
英 [ˈmɑ:kɪt]   美 [ˈmɑ:rkɪt]  
第三人称单数: markets 复数: markets 现在分词: marketing 过去式: marketed 过去分词: marketed
and so
英 [ænd səʊ]   美 [ənd soʊ]  

Who carry you market and so?

4. 求一篇商务英语对话,内容是买卖双方(出口商,进口商)进行商务谈判,包含询盘、报盘、还盘,支付方式,

Importer: Recently I have a batch of medicinal herbs in my hand. Say your goods are very good, I intend to buy. Exporter: of course, I'm famous for the city. What are you going to buy? Importer: buy some Chinese medicine, I intend to go abroad to sell. Exporter: there are ten thousand jin of Chinese herbal medicine, including Chinese medicine and Western medicine. Price range. I also recommend that you buy some western medicine. Importer: no need. How much does the average Chinese traditional medicine a pound? Exporters: I want to be a valuable drug. At least eighty yuan a pound, up to a few thousand dollars. Importer: I'm going to take the cheapest and the most expensive, and can't be cheaper. Exporter: it's not easy to do business. The cheapest drug to eighty yuan a pound, the most expensive 5000. Importer: I can buy a little more, after our long-term cooperation! Exporter: can. Importer: when do you deliver. Exporter: my latest medicine will be shipped next week. Importer: how to deal with it? Exporter: you can choose cash or credit. Importer: I choose a loan. Exporter: OK

5. 急求一篇与商业银行中间业务有关的英文文章,3000字左右!急,感激不尽

Intermediate business of commercial banks and the development of intermediate business of commercial banks in China with a comprehensive international comparison 

The middle of a commercial banking business development activities because of 
1.1 an inevitable choice for commercial banks 
      Intermediate business of commercial banks and the rapid development of the emergence of the underlying reasons are not only driven, but also the result of external factors. First of all, the international community to enter the countries have relaxed controls, the liberalization of banking and international trends, including greatly to the middle of the business, including the pace of financial innovation; Second, market competition has also promoted the development of intermediary business, traditional business of commercial banks not only faced competition in the same industry, and along with the development of capital market countries, greatly increased the proportion of direct financing, the traditional commercial banks assets, liabilities, business increasingly showing a "sunset industry" the decline, therefore, commercial banks were forced to carry out new business innovation to create a new source of profits; again, the middle of business innovation is the result of market demand, due to frequent fluctuations in interest rates and exchange rates, enterprises and commercial banks in which the uncertainty of economic environment, increasing the risk of which the effective management tools, in particular, a number of financial derivatives had a demand for the development of the banking intermediary business that is risk management in order to satisfy customers, as well as other diversified financial services; Finally, the banks have their own advantages, as well as 20 practical information technology since the 80's the development and extensive use of commercial banks for the development of intermediary business possible. February 1987 at Northwestern University in the United States held a deposit-taking institutions on asset securitization and the risk of development of intermediary business seminar, a scholar on the development of commercial banks in the middle of a large number of business reasons for concluding, that is, commercial banks the development of intermediary business and technology, control, interest rate risk, customer competition, factors such as capital adequacy ratio are closely related. 
1.2 The significance of the development of intermediary business 
      (A) can be extended into a commercial bank intermediary function, to expand their business scale. 
      (B) commercial banks can spread business risks, and enhance the bank's ability to resist risks. 
      (C) can play a variety of business, "bundling" effect to enhance the competitiveness of the banks. Intermediate business of commercial banks between other business interaction and mutual influence, and the development of intermediary business for the banks not only bring direct profits, but also with other business, the second interaction of the market to enhance the competitiveness of banks. 
Second, commercial banks in the development of intermediary business 
2.1 The broader business scope, a wide variety. 
Western countries of the middle-run commercial banks and a wide variety of products to meet the diverse needs of customers, the commercial banks for the new business innovation. The scope of business covered by the middle of the traditional banking, trust services, investment banking, mutual funds and insurance business. They can engage in money market operations, but also can engage in discounting commercial paper and capital markets business.
Gradually expand the business scale of 2.2, rising income levels. 
From 1993 to 1996 among the U.S. banking business grew from 912 billion U.S. dollars to 12.188 trillion U.S. dollars, accounting for bank assets from 78% to 142.9%, of which the seven largest banks in the middle of the business lending per cent more than doubled and more. Living in the forefront of the U.S. banking industry, Citigroup, the Americas, such as the middle of the five major banking groups involved in the operational activities of the total assets of more than 2.2 trillion U.S. dollars has the same period, assets and liabilities that banks under the total assets of 780 billion U.S. dollars for the capital sum for the 45 billion U.S. dollars; intermediary business 3 years the average growth rate to 54.2%, much higher than the 9 percent average annual total assets and total capital at an average annual growth rate of 21.6 percent. ① 
2.3 Middle-income structure of the business change. 
Western commercial banks from 1980 to 1990 of 10 years, the total income of non-spread revenue rapid upward trend in both. The middle of foreign banks operating income generally accounts for 40% of total revenue -50%. Acceptance in the United States, Citibank, credit investigation, credit rating companies, assets evaluation business, personal financial advisor business, long-term foreign exchange trading, foreign exchange futures, foreign exchange options, and other intermediary business represented 80 percent brought their profits deposit and lending business profits accounted for only 20% of the total profits. ② 
2.4 Service means of advanced and high technology. 
Improvement in the level of science and technology for the development of intermediate business of commercial banks to provide a strong foundation for technical support and innovation, especially in recent years can be at any time and any place in any way to provide customers with personalized service network of banks, the emergence of Internet banking promoted the development of intermediary business. With the international advanced banking payment system on its strong business in the middle was a huge amount of service fee revenue. 

Third, commercial banks Analysis of intermediate products 
3.1 Clearing-type intermediate products 
     Clearing products are usually divided into promissory notes, bills of exchange, the three types of checks. Settlement of funds between the time of the settlement act, for the customers, the main demand is to use the banking clearing system, security and timely transfer of funds. Settlement is therefore a means of clearing operations to ensure the successful completion of an important link. On the characteristics of the clearing business, its risk may come from three aspects: customer risk factors, risk factors of post and telecommunications sector and banking risk factors. For the banks, the first two banks of external risks, which is the bank's internal risk. ③ 
3.2 security type of intermediate products 
     With the development of international trade, the Western commercial banks faster development of the security business, including standby letters of credit, guarantee the payment, performance bond, bid security, supervision, such as payment by the common varieties. Chinese and foreign commercial banks, the security business is production of the intermediate business with commercial banks to carry out security operations is the use of banks to provide credit support, that one has to bear because of the risks associated with credit support. 
Intermediate goods 3.3 Management 
     Mainly divided into the banking business, safe operations, Personal Financial Services. Since the last century is the era, as the world's financial system, industry structure, organizational structure, operational modalities and competition is undergoing a profound transformation. The changes in the traditional banking, securities, insurance, trust business increasingly blurred boundaries between the business, while seeking to promote and strengthen the commercial banking and financial activities of globalization and virtual organizations, the banks of the insurance industry to flourish here development. With the development of the world economy, personal financial services showing a huge space for development. And personal financial services customers of commercial banks is the core personal financial services in the commercial banks to the "financial services supermarket" the process of development, personal financial services of commercial banks at home and abroad has become the focal point of retail business one. 
3.4 Advisory type of intermediate products 
     Intermediary business consulting category refers to the transfer, sale information and provide intelligence services to the main contents of the intermediary business. Commercial banks on their own information, talent, credibility and other areas, the collection and presentation of information and information of these customers, as well as banks and financial analysis of campaign records to form a system of information and programs made available to customers, one to meet their management or business development needs. Include: credit, corporate credit rating, assets evaluation business and financial information; business and personal financial advisor business; business consultant business investment and financing, including financing and the international syndicated loan arrangement. 
3.5 bank cards, online banking intermediate products 
     Bank credit card is the issue of commercial banks to the community with consumer credit, debit settlement, access to cash in whole or in part, such as a credit payment function. Its fast development, many countries have become an important business, many banks and the major source of profit for variety. Internet banking is a banking service to provide customers with new tools, which the existing banking business, based on the use of Internet technology to provide customers with comprehensive, consent, security, real-time financial services. Internet banking is not only a banking innovation is the organizational structure of a bank穿心At the same time, the emergence of Internet banking so that the expansion of commercial banks to find new channels for the middle of the business. 
Fourth, the middle of the latest developments in the direction of business 
Securitization of credit assets 4.1 
      Securitization of credit assets refers to a group of poor liquidity through a portfolio of assets, so that this group of assets to generate stable and predictable cash flow proceeds through the intermediary of certain credit enhancement, the proceeds of these assets the right to change as flows in the financial markets, higher credit rating of bond-type securities. In essence, will be financing the securitization of future cash proceeds of the assets and the corresponding right to transfer the risk to investors, and the transfer of ownership of the assets may not be entirely. ④ 
4.2 fund business 
 A long time, China's commercial banks to develop intermediary business not as a main industry and the new profit growth point to run, but also our country's strict separation of management and other factors, so that the development of the banking sector has been greater restrictions. A direct consequence of these restrictions is that domestic commercial banks and weak financial innovation. Have been carried out in the middle of the retail business of the development of varieties, not to profit maximization as the goal, but as absorbing as a means of customer deposits, which resulted in business receipts in the middle of the contribution rate for banks with low profit situation. Commercial banks in China's current total income, the proportion of all interest income more than 90%. This revenue structure is to enable the assets of China's commercial banks profitability in the last century since the 90's has been in a continuous downward trend in one of the main reasons. Studies have shown that commercial banks in the U.S. the average asset profit rate of China's four state-owned commercial banks average of 12.86 times. This shows that the middle of my business cards, many types of projects though, but their purpose and profit with the situation in Western developed countries, significant differences between the modern commercial banking business and a lot of content has yet to enter our field of vision. ⑥ 
8, China's commercial banks lag in the middle of the reasons for business development 
8.1 on the traditional state-owned commercial businesses, as well as the long-term monopoly control of the central bank's interest rates led directly to commercial banks to create a modern inadequate. 
      From abroad, the development of banking business, the increasingly intensified competition in the market forces and customers is to continuously strengthen the bank to speed up the expansion of the main reasons for non-margin business. China's banking industry from the historical path of development, the historical factors strangle a certain extent, the domestic commercial banks to expand their business and the autonomy of consciousness. "Unification" of thinking, as well as the banking system more rigid domestic commercial banks used to make the government's command, the lack of response to the economic situation to customers and the market as guide, based on the formulation and implementation of their own advantages for their own development strategies of motivation and ability. 
8.2 the development of intermediate business of commercial banks led to a substantial risk of financial regulation will make the existing system is facing tremendous pressure. 
The financial sector at the policy orientation of business limits the room for the development of intermediary business. Most of the middle of the business belonging to banks and non-bank financial institutions operating in the field of cross-cutting, so inrong the state's macroeconomic management policies of banks, non-bank financial institutions, the limited scope of business directly determines the intermediate business of commercial banks to open up space. I started in 1993 from a banking, securities, insurance, trust the strict separation of management, the banks can not create a cross-sectoral, comprehensive, multi-faceted business intermediate products, it is difficult to raise the level of business and level of intensive 
8.3 Bank charges among the business and the lack of standardization. 
In the absence of corresponding fees and charges based mechanism, the intermediary business difficult and hard to charge fees, particularly the phenomenon of table. Charges not specifically reflected in the financial institutions among the business no express provision charges. Difficult to charge in fees and charges due to lack of enforcement mechanism, financial institutions are afraid of arbitrary collection of charges the suspect. 
8.4 China's banking industry has developed the "marketing model" and the "marketing habit" has severely constrained the development of intermediary business. 
From foreign banks to expand business model point of view, primarily by the consumer to facilitate this, fast, safe and customer service benefits, are a typical "product marketing." As for the domestic banking industry, the product quality and price are often relegated to a secondary position, "relationship marketing" has become the domestic banking industry to explore the middle of the main mode of business. At present, commercial banks remain the main customer base to large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises and property rights Fuzzy principal - agent problem makes enterprise managers pay more attention to the pursuit of personal interests, at this time the relationship between banks and their customers has become a successful product whether or not the key. ⑦ 

Main References: 
① Bank for International Settlements: "International Financial Market Development Report", published in 1999 
② Ho five-star: "Financial Innovation in Development", Southwest University of Finance and Economics Press, 2000 
③ Yang Ming-sheng: "Commercial Bank's Intermediary Business Products practical manual." Beijing, China Financial Publishing House, 2002 
④ Peter • Rose book, Liu Garden translation: "Commercial Bank Management", Beijing, Mechanical Industry Press, 2001 
⑤ after lam-chun: "commercial banks intermediate innovative business risk prevention and control", containing "China's financial fortnightly" 2003 
Zhang Guohai ⑥: "Commercial Bank's Intermediary Business Development Strategy in the International Comparison", in "Financial Research", 2003 
⑦姚德良: "I have been the middle of the commercial business development implied by the low level of research", in "Finance and Trade Economy", 2004


6. 一篇商务英语的专题介绍,用英语写,急!

The introduction of Business English

1. The major professional xue tong, followed by English itself, will only make foreign trade English as the tool. Many foreign trade staff English isn't very good, but foreign trade did it very successful.
2. Employment outlook for, this major is considerable, do well rise faster, earn much, if in the foreign trade industry, suggest to begin from documentary, starts slowly into business.
3. Not necessarily will come out later in this major industries, as long as there is strength are interested, do all the same.
Business English professional obtain employment prospect analysis: adapt to the modern business management export-oriented work position requirement, can be competent needed a lot written and oral English communication senior clerical work, and be capable of industry and commerce management knowledge. Can also be engaged in English teaching and training work.
International trade direction: international trade business personnel, business translation, business assistant.
Tourism direction: English guide and foreign-related hotel reception and management personnel, the enterprise senior clerk, export-oriented enterprise general manager.
Teachers direction: kindergartens, primary, secondary, vocational high school teacher.

Develops a target: this professional education with English as a foreign trade business activities compound talents, students during school, through the classroom teaching and practice teaching, and can be a good command of English in reading, writing, listening and speaking, translation, and master the language skills such as foreign trade activities of business knowledge, and to considerable proficiency in spoken English, business English for specialty in both tourism, secretarial English for direction, training can use English for business, tourism, foreign trade, secretarial work aspects senior applied talents.

Main course: comprehensive English, listening and speaking, business English, business English, translate tutorials, American, letter&telex today with documents, international trade and practice, e-commerce, customs operation, international marketing, guide the practice, tourism English, Japanese, computer, etc.

Obtain employment prospect: China's opening up and the building of the economic zone on the west needs a large number of both know English and understand the foreign talents. This major graduates mostly in foreign trade enterprise engaged in foreign trade business, the foreign-related large hotel, tourism departments, enterprises and institutions engaged in clerical and translation work, employment to 90%.

Should this professional education with strong English language competence and more comprehensive knowledge of the essence of business English, understand economic and trade, can use modern office equipment of practical English talent.

A backbone course: comprehensive English, business English, business English reading, business English listening, oral English, business English business writing, business English translation, marketing, international trade and practice, international finance, international business law, accounting principle, etc.

A foreign trade enterprise the localization, the domestic enterprises internationalization, need a large number of strong language communication, be familiar with business trade knowledge, the familiar with modern office equipment business English talent. 

The graduates have very broad employment outlook

Due to the economic globalization and China's entry into the WTO, sino-foreign joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned export-oriented economy such as enterprises is emerging, with school strong of foreign language communication, and grasp the general business knowledge, familiar with foreign trade operation, such as computers, modern office equipment of business English talent demand is particularly urgent, the graduates have very broad employment outlook, this program aims to train has a comprehensive business basic knowledge and practical use of English language skills in English, and understand the essence of the trade, can use a variety of modern office equipment "esp" talented person.

Main course: business English, intensive reading English, business English reading, business English listening, business English, business English writing, marketing, international trade practice, remittances and settlement, international business law, accounting principle, etc.

1, international trade practice direction

The professional direction of business English specialty training master necessary basic theoretical knowledge and professional knowledge, has the strong English application skills and business operation ability and engage in business and secretarial work of higher applied talents. This major consists of English language skills, business operation ability and computer application technology three skills module teaching plan of constructs the entire core, employment prospects.

Partial backbone course: a comprehensive English, business English listening, accounting principles, international trade practice, enterprise management, business English, listening and speaking, office automation, business English, business letters, import and export business with documents, international marketing, secretary general skills training and textual research, etc.

2, international business management and secretary direction

This professional direction master business English major necessary basic theoretical knowledge and professional knowledge, has the strong English application skills and business operation ability, can be engaged in business management and project planning higher applied talents. This specialty students after graduation master business knowledge and skills, good command of English and computer engaged in international business and work as a secretary.

Partial backbone course: the secretary study, secretarial work, the document writing, business simulation, international business negotiations, import and export business with documents, business English interpretation, business English, office automation, accounting principle, enterprise management, etc.

3, exhibition English direction

This professional direction training master exhibition and advertising design basic theory and knowledge, have exhibition planning and design art creation with computer skills in senior professionals. Graduates can engaged in international and domestic various exhibition organization and planning, exhibition translation, exhibition coordination and service, a foreign affairs office, etc.

Partial backbone course: comprehensive English, exhibition design and planning, exhibition organization and management, business English, integrated marketing communications, web design and production, exhibition policy and regulation, exhibition market marketing, conference and exhibition operation management, project management, exhibition, tourism, conference, exhibition of customer relationship management, exhibition economics, exhibition management information system, exhibition English, business letters, office automation etc.

Obtain employment prospect: international business company, foreign enterprises, foreign invested enterprises, private enterprises, financial institutions, multinational companies in China and overseas branch company in China, foreign bodies, government, administrative institutions engaged in international trade, import and export trade, business negotiation, translation, foreign secretary and management etc. Also suits various foreign trade company, department stores, hotels, enterprises

7. 哪位大神有自考商务英语的资料?

Lesson 1 International Business
FDI  GDP  BOT  patent  copyright  value chain  franchising (紫色书10-11页)

国际商务贸易的主要类型(major types of international business)
      A.Trade(贸易): a. commodity trade (商品贸易,也叫有形贸易visible trade ) 
  b. service trade (服务贸易, 也叫无形贸易invisible trade)
      B.  Investment (投资):  a. foreign direct investment (FDI 外国直接投资)
                           b. portfolio investment (证券投资)
      C.  Other types (其他类型):  a. licensing and franchising (国际许可与特许经营)
                                b. management contract and contract manufacturing (管理合同和承包生产)

1.	随着经济全球化的发展,无形贸易即使在发展中国家的国际贸易中所占的比例也逐渐增大
With the development of economic globalization, invisible trade accounts for an increasing proportion of the world trade even in the developing countries
2.	BOT是 “交钥匙”工程的一种流行的变通形式
BOT is a popular variant of the turnkey project

Lesson 2 Income Level and the World Market
GNP   PPP ( purchasing power parity 购买力平价)   Staple goods (大路货) 
creditor country ( 债权国)  (紫色书25页)

国民生产总值和国内生产总值 (GNP 和GDP)
GNP: refers to the market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy
GDP: refers to the market value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy.
Per capita income (人均收入): It is calculated by dividing its national income by its population
Triad and Quad (三方组合和四方组合): A. United States
                                   B. Western Europe
                                   C. Japan
                                   D. Canada

1.	国民生产总值和国内生产总值体现了一个国家的全部收入,在衡量国民收入方面可以互换使用。
GNP and GDP indicate a country’s total income. They can be used interchangeably to measure the level of its national income.
2.	欧盟作为三方组合的一个分支,在使我们的市场多元化方面起着相当重要的作用
EU, as one leg of Triad, plays an important role in the respect of diversifying our market

Lesson 3 Regional Economic Integration
 tariff rates(关税率)  settlement (协议)  cartel (卡特尔)  free trade area
         NAFTA(North American Free Trade Agreement北美自由贸易协定)  紫色书41页

1.	地区一体化的主要目标 (Major objectives of regional integration)
To better enjoy the benefit of free flow of goods, services, capital, labor and other resources, at the same time possibly put up barriers to economic activities with non-members

2.	地区经济一体化的四个层次( Four levels of regional economic integration)
A.	Free trade area (自由贸易区)----经济一体化程度低,内部团结,但各成员对外采用各自的贸易政策
B.	Customs Union (关税同盟)---所有成员对外都实行相同的贸易政策
C.	Common market (共同市场)---共同的对外政策,生产要素也在各成员国间流动
D.	Economic union( 经济联盟)----经济一体化程度最高, 共同的对外政策,生产要素也    
.                  在各成员国间流动, 统一协调各国在经济金融领域的
3. 掌握EU (欧洲联盟) ,  APEC(亚太经济合作组织).  OPEC (石油输出国组织)                             

1.	共同市场具有使商品, 服务,劳动力甚至资本,技术在各成员国之间自由流通的特点.
The common market is characterized by the free flow of capital and technology besides goods, services and labor.
2.	欧盟是一个机构齐全的实体,其历史可以追溯到1952年.
The European Union is a full-fledged entity, whose history dates back to 1952.

Lesson 4 Economic Globalization
Shareholders(股东), board of directors(董事会), parent company(母公司), affiliate(子公司),  day-to-day running(日常管理), multinational corporation(跨国公司), home country(母公司所在国), host country(东道国)紫色书63-64页

1.	经济全球化的基本特征和优劣势:
A.	Basic feature:a. free flow of commodity,capital, technology,service and information
                 b. optimized allocation of resources(资源优化配置)
B.  Advantages and negative impacts:
Advantages: a. new impetus and opportunities to world economic development
           b. mutual benefits from economic booms
Negative impacts: a. make countries more vulnerable to the adverse events across the global
                b. not balanced benefits

3.	跨国公司 (multinational corporations)
A.	organization---parent and affiliates (组织----母公司与子公司)
B.	features: a. enormous size  b. wide geographical spread (广阔的地域分布)
           c. needs ,goals and roles (需要, 目标和作用): profits, security
C.  four types: a. multi-domestic corporation
             b. global corporation
             c. transnational corporation
             d. world company

4.	翻译:
a.	经济全球化使得各国经济更容易受到全球各地不利事件的伤害。
Economic globalization is making the various economies more vulnerable to the adverse events across the globe.
b.	安全对任何一个跨国企业而言都极为重要,因为没有安全,跨国企业组织的生存便无法保证。
Security is extremely important to any MNE because without it, an MNE’s survival can never be assured.

Lesson 5-6  International Trade (1) (2)
services(劳务),  primary commodities(初级产品),  absolute advantage(绝对利益),  comparative advantage(比较利益),  quota(配额),  customs union(关税同盟),  ad valorem duty(从价税),  specific duties(从量税),  drawback(退税),  MFN(最惠国待遇),  non-tariff barrier(非关税壁垒).紫色书: 90页 110页

1.	国际贸易的定义(definition):
It refers to the exchange of goods and services produced in one country with those produced in another
2.	国际贸易的两个缘由( Two reasons for international trade)
a.	the uneven distribution of natural resources among countries
b.	international specialization(国际专业化)
3.	国际专门化的两个理论(Two theories for international specialization)
a.	The theory of absolute advantage(绝对利益理论):
a commodity will be produced in the country where it costs least in terms of resources (capital, land, and labour)
b.	The theory of comparative advantage(相对对利益理论):
Even if a country is less efficient than another in the production of producing both commodities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade.

4.	关税壁垒和非关税壁垒( tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers)
a.	tariff barriers: export duty(进口税),  import duty(出口税), ----specific duties  从量税
                              ad valorem duty. 从价税                       
                                                     Compound duty  混合税
b.	non-tariff barriers: quotas----the most common form of non-tariff barriers

5.	翻译练习
a.	比较优势理论已成为现代国际贸易思想的基石
Comparative advantage has become the cornerstone of modern thinking on international trade
    Tariff barriers are the most common forms of trade restriction.

Lesson 7  Incoterms 2000
EDI (电子数据交换),customers clearance (结关),dispatch (发运),ICC(国际商会)
Roll-on-roll-off(滚装滚卸),  incoterms (国际贸易通则),FOB(起运港船上交货价), CFR (成本加运费价),CIF (成本加运费加保险费价)  紫色书132-133页

1.《国际贸易术语解释通则》的必要性和目的  The necessity and purpose of having Incoterms
The purpose of INCOTERMS is to provide a set of international rules for the most commonly used trade terms in foreign trade and avoid uncertainties of different interpretations of such terms in different countries.

3.	三个最常用术语 (The three most commonly used terms)
FOB: Free on Board  装运港船上交货
CFR: Cost and Freight 成本加运费
CIR: Cost, Insurance and Freight 成本,保险费,加运费

a.	折扣是指卖方按照商品的原价给买方以一定比率的价格减让
Discount means that sellers offer to buyers a certain percentage of reduction on the original price.
b.	买卖双方在制定合同时,如果有理解一致的具体规则可供参照,他们就肯定能简单可靠地确定各自的责任
If, when drawing up their contract, buyer and seller have some commonly understood rules to specifically refer to, they can be sure of defining their respective responsibilities simply and safely.

Lesson 8 Business Contract
Inquiry(询盘,询价), quotation(报价单), validity period(有效期), offer(发盘), counter-offer(还盘), offeree(收盘人), sales confirmation(销售确认书), Consignment(寄售), fore majeure(不可抗力), business line(业务范围), contract proper(合同正文), article number(货号).紫书150-151页

A contract is an agreement which sets forth binding obligations of the relevant parties

2.谈判过程及签定合同(the process of negotiation and the conclusion of the contract)
inquiry--quotation---> offer and acceptance-counter-offer

3.合同的种类(The types of contracts)
a. sales contract
b.purchase contract
c.sales confirmation

4.	合同的构成(the setting up of a contract)
a.	the title (合同名称)
b.	the contract proper(合同正文)
c.	The signature of the contracting parties(缔约双方签字)
d.	The stipulations on the back of the contract(合同背面的规定)

a. 在实盘情况下,我们通常保留有效期三天
  In case of firm offers, we usually keep our offers open for three days

Lesson 9 Modes of Trade
Counter trade(对销贸易),  hyperinflation(极度通货膨胀),  Reichstock(德国国家银行),protectionism(贸易保护主义),Clearing system(票据交换制度), net positions(净头寸), compensation trade(补偿贸易), barter(易货贸易), counter purchase(互购贸易)
Buyback(回购贸易), centrally planned economies(中央计划经济国家), processing trade(加工贸易), consignment(寄售贸易), leasing trade(租赁贸易),aution(竞卖/拍卖), agency(代理) 174-175页

1.对销贸易的主要优点(major advantages of counter trade)
a. helping to deal with foreign exchange shortages
b. promoting exports
c, reducing uncertainty regarding export receipts
d.bypassing international price agreement
e. helping countries with debt problems to import goods

3.	对销贸易的缺点(the drawbacks of counter trade)
a.	very risky business (conceal the real prices and costs of transactions)
b.	Companies may suffer losses because they could not get rid of products of poor quality
c.	a form of proctectionism

a.	“互相捆绑”是易货贸易,回购贸易和互惠贸易的共同特征
“Bundling” is the feature common to barter, counter purchase and buyback.

b.	作为一种捆绑贸易,对销贸易一般是在成熟市场经济国家和市场机制不完善的国家间发生的贸易
As a type of bundled trade, counter trade generally takes place between mature market economies and economies with imperfect market institution..

Lesson10 International Payment
debtor(债务人), debit(收方/借方), financial standing(财务状况), credit worthiness(信誉), periodic payment(分期付款), cash in advance(预付现金),usance draft(远期汇票), documentary draft(跟单汇票), clean draft(光票), documentary collection(跟单托收), D/P(付款交单), D/A(承兑交单).194-195页

1.	国际贸易支付的复杂性(the complexity of payment in international trade):
Mutual trust is hard to build. Both the exporter and the importer face various political risks, commercial risks etc.

2.	在一定条件下的两种支付方法:
a. cash in advance or partial cash in advance (预付现金和部分预付现金) account(记账交易)	

3.	汇票(the draft/ bill of exchange)
a.	definition: an unconditional order to a bank or a customer to pay a sum of money to someone on demand or at a fixed time in the future
b.	sign draft and usance draft (即期汇票和远期汇票)
c.	clean draft (光票:汇票不附单据) and documentary draft (跟单汇票:随同汇票一起的有相关的单据,如提单,发票,保险单)

4.	跟单拖收 (documentary collection)
a.	D/P: 付款交单: documents will not be released to the importer until payment is effected
b.	D/A: 承兑交单: documents handed over to the importer upon his acceptance of the bill of exchange drawn by the exporter

a.	许多国际交易是通过汇票支付的,汇票是对银行或顾客的支付命令
A lot of international transactions are paid for by means of the draft that is an order to a bank or a customer to pay
b.	即期汇票要求受票人见到汇票后立即付款
A sight draft calls for immediate payment on presentation to the drawee.

Lesson11-12 Credit (1),(2)
Applicant (申请人),  opening bank(开证行),  corresponding bank(关系行),  advising bank(通知行),  confirming bank(保兑行).  Reimburse(付款),  unit price(单价),  partial shipment(分批装运). Clean credit(光票信用证),  revocable credit(可撤消信用证),  irrevocable credit(不可撤消信用证). Maturity(到期日,偿还日), capital turnover(资金周转率), face value(面值), discount(贴现), deferred payment(延期付款),  revolving credit(循环信用证). 紫色书220页 345页

  The bilateral security—双边保证

  A. the applicant (开证)
  B. the opening bank(开证行)
  C. the advising bank(通知行)
  D. the negotiating bank(议付行)
  E. the confirming bank(保兑行)

4.	信用证的局限性(limitation)
a.	inability to provide absolute security
b.	being more expensive than other forms of payment

1.	信用证的目的是通过银行信誉为国际支付提供便利
The objective of an L/C is to facilitate international payment by means of the creditworthness of the bank.
2.	信用证极大地方便并促进了国际贸易,然而它并不能给缔约双方提供绝对安全
The letter of credit has greatly facilitated and promoted international trade. However, it can not provide absolute security for the contracting parties.

Lesson13 Major Documents Required in World Trade
Documents(单据),  take delivery of (提货),  bill of lading(提单). Consignee(收获人), air bill(空运提单), cargo receipt(铁路运单), commercial invoice(商业发票), certificate of quality(品质证书). Insurance policy(保险单)  紫色书上269页

1,主要单据 (major types of documents)
a. commercial invoice 商业发票
b. packing list 装相单
c. the bill of lading 提单 policy and insurance certificate  保险单和保险证书
e.various certificate 其它各种证书

1.	提单的签发日期绝不能晚于信用证所规定的时间
The date when the bill of lading is issued can by no means be later than that stipulated in the credit

2.	货物一装上船,请即电告收发人
You are requested to notify the consignee by cable as soon as the goods are shipped.

Lesson14 International Transportation
Finished products (制成品), deregulation(撤消管制规定), productivity(生产率), cost economies(成本节约), intermediate products(中间产品), natural product provinces(产品自然领域), Inventory(存货,库存), freight transportation(货物运输) 紫色书292页

1.五种主要运输方式 The five major modes of transportation
 Water ,rail, truck, pipeline, and air

2.改变运输业的四大因素 The four factors that are substantially changing transportation
a. transportation deregulation
b. just-in-time inventory systems
c. competition based on high level of customer service
d. globalization of business

At a time when competition is fierce, exporters can beat their competitors by speeding up shipment.

Transportation is fundamental to the development and operation of an industrial society.

Lesson15-16 Insurance (1), (2)
Insured(保户), Insurer(承保人), margin(保险金), underwriter(保险商), pool(共同款项), cargo insurance(运输保险), marine insurance(海上保险), indemnity(赔偿), ruin(损失), insurable interests(可保险权), principle of utmost faith(最大诚信原则), forwarding charge(远期费用) 紫色书 307,322页

It can be defined as a social device in which a group of individuals transfer risk and provides for payment of losses from funds contributed by all members who transferred risk 

2.保险的三个主要原则(Three main principles of insurance)
a. insurable interest
b. utmost good faith
c. indemnity
两个辅助原则(two sub-principle of insurance)
a. contribution
b. suborgation

a. 货物保险通常有火险, 海上保险和意外事故保险	
  Cargo insurance includes fire, marine and accident insurance.
b. 没有可保利益的保险合同是无效的。而任何根据这类合同提出的所赔都不会受理
An insurance contract without an insurable interest to support it is invalid and any claim made upon it will not be entertained

Lesson 17 The International Monetary System and Exchange Rate
Change of rate(汇率),gold standard(金本位),reserve currency(储备货币), clean float(自由浮动),dirty float(有干预浮动),discount(贴现),medial rate(中间价)

1汇率(exchange rate)
A.	fixed exchange rate
B.	flexible exchange rate
C.	major factors influencing exchange rate: a international balance of payment
                                      c.interest rate
D. Common measures for intervention in exchange rate
   a. buying or selling foreign currency
   b. raising or lowering discount rate
   c. foreign exchange control

While the balance of payment is always in accounting balance,the odds are astronomical that it would be so without the statistical discrepancy item. There would be a surplus or a deficit in almost every case, but the balance of payment would nevertheless be considered in equilibrium if over three-to-five year period the surpluses more or less canceled out the deficits.


Lesson 18 International Financial Organization
1.The world bank group(世界银行集团)
b.目标: to help raise standards of living in developing countries by channeling financial resources to them from developed countries

a. source of capital: member countries
b.financing of its lending operation: from the world capital markets countries: developing countries at more advanced level
d,basic rules governing its operation: for productive purpose/ repayment

3.	IDA(国家开发协会): targets: the poorer developing countries,
                      basic rules governing its operation: no interests

4.	IFC(国际金融公司):
Function: to assist the economic development of less-developed countries

5.	MIGA(多边投资担保机构):
Mandate:to encourage equity investment and other direct investment flows to developing countries

a.the importance of the quota
b.function:providing temporary financing for countries suffering cyclical,seasoned or random shocks that would weaken its currency.

Unlike the world bank, the IDA cannot raise capital in competitive capital markets and depends instead on subscription donated by the developed countries and some undeveloped countries.

Lesson19-22(刚上课不久, 简概)
1.对外直接投资的主要因素 major factors for undertaking FDI 紫书379
2.对外直接投资的形式 forms of FDI  紫书382

3.	政券交易所的作用 the role of stock exchange  紫书401
国内普通股市包括的三个市场 Three areas for the Domestic Equity Market紫书402-403

4. WTO与 GATT 的区别    紫书422
5, WTO与China( achievements and challenges)  紫书424-426

6贸发会的目标 objectives of UNCTAD  紫书453
7贸发会的组织 organization of UNCTAD紫书454



8. 商务英语中译英——主要是公司的市场和销售方面的,请教高手

Through the incentive than competitive sales profit of products by more than 3%
The products of the company's market share is high, the company technical capability and resources than competition strength opponent manufacturers
Free to participate in the examination virtualization discount activity, and free online offline training activities.
The second development products and special needs custom flexibility, cross selling application modes.
The company a lot of quality and mature customer base is appealing
Virtualization products technical engineer of scarce, and cities and regions engineer the technical ability of the weak
Education, small financial (small manufacturing OEM generation of labor) trade, small and medium-sized enterprise sales no technical solutions
Data center only 30% of Microsoft server application virtualization for Microsoft marketing a threat
Government policy direction 3 G, 4 G digital cloud base affect local enterprise products to purchase the enthusiasm
Rival application service plan diversification, competitive company website technology contrast against MS described the further expansion of virtualization
Agent choice
Experience in the process of bidding no qualification lead to project defeat of the agent
Just began to virtualization agent (in a choice stage)
Long-term competitive products but have complain that sales of the agent
Long-term competitive products but have products sales expansion over the agency plans
Customers choose
Digital city and geographic information industry, electric power, hydraulic, etc
Cloud service provider activities later, and relevant government and enterprise tracking
High quality customer (long-term purchases)